taken using a shutter speed of 1/1250 and the aperture at f1.8. the iso was set at 200. i think this image works because it brings out some emotion in the sense the man is lonely.

the shutter speed for this image is 1/200 with the aperture at f1.8 the iso has been set at 200. i think this image works because i think it brings out the cold in the ice and it is detailed.

the shutter speed for this image was 1/200 and the aperture was at f1.8 and the iso was 200. i like this image becasue not all the glass diamonds are in focus but some of them are which i think creates a nice effect.

the shutter speed to this image was 1/200 and the aperture was f1.8 with the iso at 200. i think this image works because it shows the joy of her with her purchase.

this image was taken at a shutter speed of 1/60 and the aperture was f2.2 with the iso at 200. i like this image because it isnt in focus and it still shows the outline of the courasel and i like how there is so many different colours not just one or two.

this was taken at 1/500 and the aperture at f2.2 with the iso at 200. i like this image because it has a christmas message and and how only the biscuit is in focus.

this was takken at 1/200 and the aperture at f2.2 with the iso at 200. i like this image because the main object that normally should be in focus isnt and the lights are, i like how this image has turned out.

this image had a shutter speed of 1/80 and the aperture was at f1.8 with the iso at 200. i like this image because it shows joy in work.

the shutter speed for this image was 1/60 and the aperture was at f2.8 with the iso at 200. i think this image has worked because you can clearly tell what it is and its interesting.

the shutter speed was set at 1/100 and the aperture was set at f2.2 and the iso at 200. i like this image because the balloons take over the image which i like.

the shutter speed is at 1/400 and the aperture was at f1.8 and the iso at 200. i like how only the horse is in focus.

the shutter speed was at 1/200 and the aperture at f1.8 with the iso at 200. i like this image because i like how its out of focus and how its all in shot.