Friday 13 December 2013

German Market Finally 12 images

taken using a shutter speed of 1/1250 and the aperture at f1.8. the iso was set at 200. i think this image works because it brings out some emotion in the sense the man is lonely.

 the shutter speed for this image is 1/200 with the aperture at f1.8 the iso has been set at 200. i think this image works because i think it brings out the cold in the ice and it is detailed.

 the shutter speed for this image was 1/200 and the aperture was at f1.8 and the iso was 200. i like this image becasue not all the glass diamonds are in focus but some of them are which i think creates a nice effect.

 the shutter speed to this image was 1/200 and the aperture was f1.8 with the iso at 200. i think this image works because it shows the joy of her with her purchase.

 this image was taken at a shutter speed of 1/60 and the aperture was f2.2 with the iso at 200. i like this image because it isnt in focus and it still shows the outline of the courasel and i like how there is so many different colours not just one or two.

 this was taken at 1/500 and the aperture at f2.2 with the iso at 200. i like this image because it has a christmas message and and how only the biscuit is in focus.

 this was takken at 1/200 and the aperture at f2.2 with the iso at 200. i like this image because the main object that normally should be in focus isnt and the lights are, i like how this image has turned out.

 this image had a shutter speed of 1/80 and the aperture was at f1.8 with the iso at 200. i like this image because it shows joy in work.

the shutter speed for this image was 1/60 and the aperture was at f2.8 with the iso at 200. i think this image has worked because you can clearly tell what it is and its interesting.

 the shutter speed was set at 1/100 and the aperture was set at f2.2 and the iso at 200. i like this image because the balloons take over the image which i like. 

 the shutter speed is at 1/400 and the aperture was at f1.8 and the iso at 200. i like how only the horse is in focus.

 the shutter speed was at 1/200 and the aperture at f1.8 with the iso at 200. i like this image because i like how its out of focus and how its all in shot.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

how to turn an image into black and white using photoshop

I first chose my image to change the colour levels to how I wanted it to turn out.

This is how my image turned out after I had changed the colour levels and after this I now wanted to turn my image into a black and white image.

I adjusted the colours after I had changed the image to black and white this allows me to decide how black or how white I want parts of the image to be.

After I had done all of that I then had to crop my image by using the crop tool, I changed the image size to 5inch by 7inch and resolution 300 this changed my image to a portrait shot which isnt ideal for the image used but atill shows how to do it.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

worms view of the world

with these types of images it makes everything look so much bigger than it actually is.

birds view of the world

the point of these images is that it shows the person, group or object is vunerable.

explaining rule of thirds...

the rule of thirds is very easy to understand,
basically the main object isnt in the center of the page, as this picture is showing te main object isnt in the center it is pushed to the side.

rule of thirds..

after composing diagonal lines i then had to pick a second type of shot and i chose the rule of thirds.

as you can see the rule of thirds has been used on the object in the top right hand corner.

the rule of thirds has been used in the top right hand corner.

diagonal lines- artist work

these are examples of diagonal lines from an artists point of view, after looking at my examples and these examples i will now have to look into composing my images more and being more patient this will improve my work.